
{{ first_page_subtitle }}
{{{ date_sent }}}

{{ client_name }}
{{ client_street }}
{{ client_town }}
{{ client_country }}
{{ client_postcode }}
{{ client_phone }}
{{ client_email }}
{{ branch_name }}
{{ branch_street }}
{{ branch_town }}
{{ branch_country }}
{{ branch_postcode }}
{{ branch_email }}

{{{ branch_statement_prefix }}}

Summary of invoices payable for the period
{{#has_charges_via_contractor?}} {{/has_charges_via_contractor?}} {{#has_charges_via_branch?}} {{/has_charges_via_branch?}}
Work: total of contractor's invoices {{ total_charged_via_contractor }}
{{ branch_name }} Amount {{ total_charged_via_branch }}
TOTAL DUE FOR PAYMENT {{ invoice_amount }}

This is a summary. For invoice breakdown please see individual PDFs also attached.

{{ please_quote }}

{{{ branch_payment_details }}}


{{ page_subtitle }}
{{{ date_sent }}}

{{ client_name }}
{{ client_street }}
{{ client_town }}
{{ client_country }}
{{ client_postcode }}
{{ client_phone }}
{{ payee_name }}
{{ payee_street }}
{{ payee_town }}
{{ payee_country }}
{{ payee_postcode }} {{#payee_is_branch?}}
{{ payee_website }}
{{ payee_email }} {{/payee_is_branch?}}
{{#items}} {{/items}}
Date Item Description Units Amount
{{ date }} {{ description }}
{{{ reference }}} {{#cancelled}}
Cancelled but Chargeable {{/cancelled}} {{#payee_is_branch?}} {{#contractors}}
{{ contractor_label }}: {{ contractors }} {{/contractors}} {{/payee_is_branch?}}
{{ units }} {{ amount }}

Sub Total:

V.A.T @ {{ vat_rate }}:




{{ net_amount }}

{{ tax_amount }}


{{ gross_amount }}

{{{ branch_contractor_page_suffix }}}